Preview - Charge Interactions Chem/Phys

Exploring Dipole Field

Place two +1nC charges 20 grid marks apart. Use an E-field sensor to probe the electric field around the two charges.


Please answer the questions below.

You will find the field is weak far from the positive charges. Where else is the field very weak (even zero) in strength?

If you placed a small positive test charge halfway between the two +1nC charges, how would it move?

Describe as best you can the general direction of the field in the box below. Now, check the box on the simulation labeled "Electric Field." Were you correct?

The field lines around a single charge are always straight.  Why do the lines curve for a grouping of 2 (or more) charges? Suggest a possible "rule" about the behavior of electric field lines in this case.


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.